Jaded Sage: How can one tell the difference between “Love” and “Infatuation”?
Spiritually speaking, how can one tell the difference between “Love” and “Infatuation”?
How can one, especially in the heat of the moment, tell the difference between an instance of “Love” and an instance of “Infatuation”? That is, when you are feeling something for someone, how do you know if it is Love, or if it is only Infatuation?
Answers and Views:
Answer by TheUrbanPagan-dot-com
Unfortunately, you really can’t. Only time will tell, which is why you should take the time to explore a relationship before you commit forever.
It’s all infatuation in the beginning. It takes time to turn into love.Answer by Cthulhu Priest
Thesaurus… >-> Please?
You are getting repetitive.
It depends on the person. Usually people are too caught up in a person to realize that it isn’t the love they think that it is.
Think ahead. Do you see yourself with this person in 10-20 years?
You have to get passed the things you like in that person and see if there is anything you don’t like and, if there is, would you still be as tolerant in another month or two?
Love is risky business.
Sometimes, you just know.
Love costs ..infatuation is one way it is actually selfish while love is selflessAnswer by James
I think that you have to know someone well before you can actually love them. Otherwise, it is just infatuation.Answer by Spock!
Love stays around. Infatuation comes and goes. In fact, you may be infatuated with the person you are in love with many times throughout your relationship.Answer by seeker of jehovah
you can’t at first
the test of love comes when they do things you hate
Answer by matz129there is a good book by John Paul II called “Love and Responsibility,” which could be a hard read for some but I believe he covers that in the book. Love is a commitment for all of eternity while an infatuation seems like it only lasts a short time.Answer by Trollin’ like a river
The age old question: Why are atheists such hypocrites?Answer by Ruhima
True love is unconditional. It is an act of the will. It is a choice to love a person even though they are unlovable. Infatuation is conditional and selfish. It is in effect idolatry, worship of a sinful human being, who doesn’t deserve our worship. Infatuation is also based on lust and covetousness. Infatuation is fleeting. Love is from God. You have to ask God to give you the strength to love.
My guess is if you are wondering if it is love or infatuation, it is most likely infatuation. That’s what most of the world’s “love” is. Bollywood movies—that’s all just infatuation—an illusion—-that will only bring you heartache and disappointment ultimately.
Answer by gertystorrudInfatuation=Flighty, flakey. Authentic Love=Compassionate Action.Answer by arthvader
Infatuation is intense. Love can be strong.
Infatuation is temporary. Love endures.
Infatuation can’t stand separation. Love reaches us from afar. We are content, knowing that we’re there for the long run.
If the punch line is sex, it’s infatuation. Or lust. It’s a biological process. Love can exist without sex. Good parents love their children. It might be part biological, but much of it is mental, emotional, and spiritual as well.
Just wait until you’re married before you try anything. And make sure that your engagement, if possible, is six months or longer. Infatuations fade before then.
Answer by Jeanniegirlthink about what you would be willing to do for that person. real, unconditional love, is the only kind of love that i think to be real, and the main thing that most people miss is UNCONDITIONAL. this means no matter what the person does, you love them, and would DO anything for them. love is an action word, not just something to be said. you have to prove love to me, by actions and deeds. so think about it that way. this is why i dont believe in love at first sight, only lust at first sight, which is totally instinctual and animalistic and natural. anything beyond that, and it may grow into love, but judge it by actions and what youre willing to do and put up with from that person, and you should be able to answer your question.Answer by Serene E
Infatuation lasts a short time, is very, very intense and very superficial. If you are with someone a week and you ‘love’ him, that’s infatuation.
Love become real after time, getting to know each other, share with each other, work with each other.
Love takes time to develop and will last a lifetime.
Unfortunately, Americans don’t know the difference, assume infatuation combined with hot sex is ‘love’, get married – and divorced.Answer by Tara Timeless
Love comes with pain, infatuation however, does not.Answer by deborah
First off, if you fall in love at first sight, it isn’t love, its infatuation. An immediate “chemistry” or attraction between 2 people usually is the result of hormones and the instinct to mate. Love comes after some time is passed, you know more about the other person and their hopes and dreams and plans for the future. Can you see yourself in bed with them as older, chubby, kind of soft and saggy? If you love them, you can. Can you see taking a s%$ # while they shower (not my personal preference, but hey) if you wouldn’t be able to stand that, you’re not really in love. I believe if people waited longer to evaluate their relationships before marriage, we might not have as many divorces.Answer by Furious Blue
Best I can tell, love is pretty much infatuation for an extended period of time.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m not minimizing the significance of love – infatuation is a very powerful feeling and it isn’t common to experience it for long enough to be able to call it love.Answer by Tahlia
Love is well… love. I’m fairly sure you know what that is. An Infatuation can be an obsessive crush, a romantic obsession or just a plain obsession. If you’re infatuated with… lets pick Edward Cullen. If you’re infatuated with Edward Cullen, you’re obsessed with him and it is nothing like real love (lets ignore the fact that he’s not real).
Also, you might be in love with someone and constantly think about them, but that doesn’t really make it an infatuation because true love (I’m using the term loosely) is involved.
Hope I helped.Answer by nunya
Is It Love or Infatuation?
1. An unselfish caring ….. 1. Is selfish, restrictive.
about the interests of ……. One thinks, ‘What does
the other……………………..this do for me?’
2. Romance often starts…2. Romance starts fast,
slowly, perhaps taking……… perhaps taking hours
months or years……………….or days
3. You are attracted by….3. You are deeply impressed
the other person’s total……..or interested in the
personality and spiritual…….other’s physical
qualities………………………..appearance. (‘He has such
…………………………. ………dreamy eyes.’ ‘She’s got
…………………………. ………a great figure’)
4. The effect on you is that…….4. A destructive,
it makes you a better person…….disorganizing effect
5. You view the other……………5. Is unrealistic. The
realistically, seeing his…………….other person seems perfect.
or her faults, yet loving…………….You ignore any nagging
that one anyway……………………doubts about serious
……………………………… ………..personality flaws
6. You have disagreements,….6. Arguments are frequent.
but you find that you can…………Nothing really gets
talk them out and settle them…..settled. Many are
……………………………… ………..“settled” with a kiss
7. You want to give and share…7. The emphasis is on
with the other person……………….taking or getting,
………………………………….. ……..especially in satisfying
………………………………………. ..sexual urges
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