Alex_Emily: How to explain the difference between biological father and stepfather to a child?
She’s five and her stepfather has been in her life since she was a few months old. She sees her biological father from time to time. How do I explain it in such a way that she understands?
She believes her stepfather is her biological father (because he has had more of an active role in her life and does all the “daddy stuff”) and her father more like an uncle (because she visits him a handful of times a year) and as a result refuses to accept that her biological father is her real father. How best can I explain the difference to her?
@lib.rare.ian I have no problem letting it rest. How she views her bio father is no bother to me and I agree with her premise. It’s the biological father and paternal family who has a problem with it and have been confusing her.
Answers and Views:
Answer by lib.rare.ian
She’ll grasp the concept when she’s older. You’ve explained enough for now, let it rest until she asks questions.
Answer by Kelsey
You could show her her birth certificate, although she might not understand that either. Or tell her that you were married to her bio father when she was born, so that means he’s really her father. But she’s happy though, right? She’ll probably understand later, when she’s ready 🙂
Well there is obviously a tough subject at hand hear, but a simple answer. Let her know that both father figures care about, and love her…You could tell her that her real Dad is a busy man and that’s why the step father has stepped up to take care of her. Tell her that she is special. Sorry, wish I could help more.Answer by L
biological does not matter. its the father who has been there, brought up the child, paid for the child etc, a visiting UNCLE has no right to claim the title FATHER. the only reason an absent bio father should be involved it to pass on medical info etc. he would only be able to claim title father if he had done everything possible to see and pay for his child. there are no excuses for an absent father. anyway i find it hard to think a 5 yr old would be that involved with the question of biological father etcAnswer by Haley Michelle
Her step-father, it seems, IS the real father in her life. Her biological father is the man that contributed in her making, but her step-father is the one in her life. I would explain it to her in that way. She is here because her biological father helped to make her, and her step-father is her step-father because he didn’t help to make her, but he is married to her mother.
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