: How and why have the family structure trends changed sover the past 10 years?
Even though nuclear families are still the norm, how have the other family structures changed? (the extended family, single parent, blended family, adoptive, childless family, de facto and same sex couple parents)
Why has the trend changed since 2001?
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Answer by Tseno Konseqwenz
Nuclear families are not the norm. More kids are growing up with single parents or divorced parents than ever before that number has been growing since the late 60s and the women’s liberation movement you might say is the straw that broke the camel’s back. In any case, why has that structure changed so much? Well, because we still haven’t recovered from that big movement in the 60’s. No one knows their position in society anymore because there are no positions. Dad used to be the one who made the money and the big decisions, mom used to stay home and take care of the kids, families chose who married who, etc. People still want to try and hold on to those obsolete ways of the past and still try and do their own thing at the same time. It’s one reason why so many marriages get screwed because a long time ago people didnt get married because they necessarily fell in love, a woman would do it for survival basically. Now everyone does it just because their friends do it or some other stupid shit. The reason why the past worked was because no one did their own thing, they were dictated to by tradition. Now there is no tradition so shit is all in chaos. That’s rambling but there’s a point in there. 🙂
…what hell is a nuclear family? any how…its not always a goodthing! and also we have more disfunctional children ever then before.
Childless families…thats not a family…its a couple then die off and 0
There have always been blended families
Still most people don’t want to adopt other peoples children…(unless your a moviestar etc, media some families do-very few)
single parent…has always been there, WW1 ? mothers dying in child birth etc..
extended family has always been there, everyone almost has uncles, aunts, cousins, grand-aunts etc..
Gay parents…have always been…just not advertised as the media now makes it to be…there are some 30 year olds that have had gay mothers and fathers you know!
Your question should not be the trend has changed since 2001 but now that people are just more open to it! childless families sometimes happen just because they cannot conceive because of fertility issues, pcos, low sperm count etc…yes it happens that people don’t want children, but most couples do…no one wants to die alone, when the partner dies…then the other partner is left without anyone!
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