321ap: help me pick out a couple companies from nyse for a school assignment?
for my economics class, our assignment is to select 2 companies from nyse and “buy” $ 5000 worth of stock. we can split the money between the two companies any way we would like. we must record closing price 3 times a week for 6 weeks. at the end of the 6 weeks we are to write a report about why we chose each stock and why their prices changed the way they did. we are also to stick to large, well-known companies that are easy to follow. thanks for any help.
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Answer by short_pale_n_ugly
Use the msn stock screener.
Look for low p/e, low debt/equity, high growth.
Corning’s the only one on that list i recognise, they make glassware.
Their earnings per share is insane for the stock price.
Did they say you could do ETFs?
Look at FXI, IRL, PGJ
One ETF i’d especially like to stress is PKW, it tracks an index of companies that have bought back their own stock in the last 12 months.
Answer by pineapplecoward
An interesting choice. Last year Samsung made a breakthrough that allows cheaper soda-lime glass instead of expensive non-alkaline glass to be used in the manufacture of flat panels. Corning will probably have access to this technology through their joint venture with Samsung (Samsung Corning Precision Glass). Curious the market hasn’t picked up on this as the breakup of the illegal cartel between LG, Sharp, and Chunghwa Picture Tubes will put downward pressure on flat panel prices and drive more contracts to Corning. As for a second choice probably Wal-Mart since this will be the retailer of choice for cash strapped consumers this holiday season.
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