Fresh Garbage: Is Heaven a place where everybody will be kind, loving and friendly towards one another?
Is Heaven a place where everybody will be kind, loving and friendly towards one another? Also is Heaven a place where people can spend time with all of their loved ones and for them to do a variety of things together for all Eternity?
Answers and Views:
Answer by ~ Violet ~
YES!… unlike Hell.. where people die over and over again..
YesAnswer by Tom G
Yeah right and you get free candy all the time tooAnswer by Philosopher
yea it is believed to be. But no one experienced I think. If you are good and kind you will feel heaven at present also.Answer by Aristotle Reginald Tesla
Judging from the types of people who are ABSOLUTELY CERTAIN that they are going to Heaven and what they claim about getting there, no. It would be a place of hate filled with murderers, racists, and assorted other scum.
Fortunately, there is no such place.Answer by LC
Yes, Heaven is a place where everyone is kind and loving towards one another. Also, yes, Heaven is a place where you spend eternity with your loved ones, so long as your loved ones went to Heaven. Do some research in your Bible. Revelation is a good book to read for those answers.Answer by Lou Ciphor
So it sounds like Y/A, what a lovely place it will be.Answer by William
Yes. That is the essence of Heaven. It’s all about loving God and loving your neighbor.Answer by Shy
Yes, and there will be no crying, and no pain. No hate, only love. Where you can worship God.Answer by TheMusicalBox
Absolutely! Heaven is gonna be such a wonderful place, combine the best times you’ve had here on Earth along with the greatest friends you’ve ever had and it’ll be a trillion times better and for all Eternity!Answer by Tool Fan
heaven is a place of eternal happiness what heaven is is determined by what kind of things will make you the happiest but then again you cant feel anything when your dead. whether you go to hell, purgatory, or heaven its still just being dead and that will never lead you to happiness only depression. but then again you cant even feel that….. because your dead.Answer by Mel
You should read Rev. 21:4 about the family ting. That’s the way the Jehovah witness believe, but it is very wrong for the bible’s teaching. I am sure heaven is a place we can never imagine with our human brains.But we born again christians will experience it next year. On may 21, 2011. Christ will return. The bible is teaching this. You can read what a friend of mine is sending out and learn more at the websites below…….
according to Scripture….there will be nothing but eternal death after that Day, according to Scripture; that Day, Saturday May 21st, 2011, is 7,000 years [to the day] from the Flood of Noah’s day, according to Scripture…it is 23 years [to the day] from the start of the Great Tribulation on May 21, 1988, according to Scripture; it is 13,023 years from Creation in 11,013 BC –this Bible Calendar of all history-Creation to Judgment Day, begins in Genesis 5 and 11, according to Scripture.
Christ will come only for His Elected, saved people on Saturday May 21st, 2011, most people will be caught that day by the Thief In The Night [5 times in Scripture], most will be left behind for a period of Hell-on-Earth and eternal death [“the 2nd death”]…but God’s Elect will know the timing of Judgment Day [I Thes. 5, Rev 3:3, etc., etc.]
Just as National Israel lasted 2,000 years, so the New Testament era likewise: no one can change nor hold back this Day.
The Bible does not teach:… “of that Day and Hour knoweth no man” [unless you yank this verse, Matt 24:36, out of its context]…Jesus said in the following verse, Matthew 24:37 [part of v. 36] “BUT AS IT WAS IN THE DAYS OF NOAH…” and, even children can see in Genesis 6 & 7 that God gave Noah 120 years advance warning that He was going to destroy the whole Earth with a Flood, giving Noah and his family 120 years in which to build that 450 ft long, 3 story Ark.
The Bible does not teach that Jesus Christ does not know the time of Judgment Day on Saturday May 21st, 2011…Christ is God and is specifically called “eternal Father” in Isaiah 9:6 and many other places.
You can learn all that the Bible teaches about the timing of Judgment Day on Saturday May 21st, 2011 at or at or at Especially consider the booklet available there online called “We Are Almost There”, or order it free at 800-543-1495 [PST 9-5 weekdays].
Jesus said “Every idle word that man shall speak, he shall give account thereof in the Day of Judgment…” in Matt 12:36.
I just answered a question similar to your.
1 Corinthians 2:9
But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him
God does not want you to be bored with him! He has prepared much for us to do. Governments [if you will] will have to be run even as they are here. Remember the faithful servants? Those who get rewards are given duties, much as talents were handed our in the parables in Matthew and Luke.
Based on the verse above, we can expect magnificant things in our eternity. There are many planets we have not yet discovered, and perhaps God will place some of us on them to organize and run them. Who knows?
There is no reason we would not know one another in heaven, but first we must get through the millennium. Those who enter the millennium alive will continue to marry and have children during the thousand years. Then there is this verse which might apply;
Isaiah 65:20
There shall be no more thence an infant of days, nor an old man that hath not filled his days: for the child shall die an hundred years old; but the sinner being an hundred years old shall be accursed.
People who arrive at the millennium alive [in their earthly body as opposed to having been ressureacted from the dead] will still be capable of sinning, and many will do just that, even while living in the perfect environment of that time.
There is a verse that I have not been able to locate in which it says something to the effect that we shall know one another as we are now known. I know this is not verbatim, but it gives you and idea that we shall know one another.
As for families getting back together, I do not know. It sounds lovely, but I simply can not say because the Bible has not enlightened us on the subject. Speaking of enlightenment, just think of all the things God did not see fit to explain to us in the 66 books left to us. Then imagine all he knows that you will have an opportunity to try and begin to learn and apply! I think you will have much to keep you busy! ; )
Maybe this is the verse of which I was thinking!?!
1 Corinthians 13:12
For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known.
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