Dreamstuff Entity: Have you noticed that since God was added to the pledge, we no longer say “make love” but it is “have sex”?
Have you also noticed that post hoc ergo propter hoc is a logical fallacy?
Answers and Views:
Answer by NH Baritone
First, it’s not true.
And second, it’s a poor example.
Try again.
Answer by Samian’s Fifteenth AccountWas 1954 some sort of cut-off date?
So in the Vietnam War-era, people said “Have sex, not war”?
Answer by ExodiafinderGod being added to the pledge has nothing to do with people saying “make love” or “have sex.”Answer by † Exodus †
Maybe in the English language.Answer by The Path of Least Bloodshed
A lot of people seem to miss that logical fallacy, yes.Answer by Patrick
Parody Question Fail.
*two points*
Answer by Bob VilaI think you have just pointed out the logical fallacy in your own statement. Nice job.Answer by Dont make me do it
F.A.I.LAnswer by Nick
Have you noticed since pepsi changed its logo it “have sex” not “make love”Answer by Manhattan
Talking funny againAnswer by Rossonero NorCal SFECU
I’ve noticed that since the groovy ones reduced it to what it’s become it’s become more common to say have sex… Compare 50s lyrics like “i’m just a fool, a fool in love with you” to “you need cooling, baby i ain’t fooling”… though granted I recognized the fallacy in the question you’re mocking.Answer by Professor Coldheart!
Don’t you also love how people never read all of your question? I agree with the logical fallacy thing 🙂Answer by Clam Crunchy
This seems to be many things:
Statistics of Small Numbers, Correlation is not Causation, post hoc ergo propter hoc.
Answer by kf4crnWhich pledge?Answer by N. Cognito
Wasn’t that about the same time that cottage cheese was invented as well?Answer by Free Stuff in 2012
Actually, I did notice that since “god” was added to the pledge it has given a lot of Americans an easy excuse to not say the pledge and to be disrespectful to the flag (and country).
Answer by treebardAndrew jackson had paid off all american government debts but then twenty years later ‘In God We Trust” was added to our money. Soon after the civil war began and Abe Lincoln borrowed money to pay for the effort. Ergo, Trusting god starts wars and puts america in debt.
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