Spoken4: Has anyone tried to treat a puppy with parvo virus? what are the chances of survival?
I have 5 3month old puppies.
One contacted the virus and we had her put to sleep.
Now another puppy is showing symptoms.
I can’t handle putting another puppy to sleep, I want to try to treat her.
The vet advised us to wait 10 days, because if they already had it vaccination wouldn’t help.
Answers and Views:
Answer by chet_chic
Ok… well you know I have to say that if you knew one had the virus why were the other ones not treated immediately????? Chances of survival are excellent when it is caught very early. If you don’t want to put puppies down then shell out the money to get them vaccinated EARLY. Hope this helps.
Get her to the emergency vet clinic NOW – there’s nothing else to do in the case of parvo other than supportive care – iv fluids, etc. It’s also HIGHLY contagious so get any/all other pets checked too.
Good luck.
Answer by altaira_3They usually tell you that the survival rate is 50-50. At my clinic, we see a lot more survive. Be prepared though if you decide to treat it will be very expensive. We charge $ 100/day/dog. That adds up, especially if your dog isn’t getting better very fast.
Chances are if your first two had it then the third one will as well.Answer by hanksimon
Talk to the Vet about help. If you caught it early there is a slim chance, but trust the Vet’s opinion. You will have to treat all the symptoms of fever, pain, and dehydration…You’ll have to get support from the Vet for these things…Answer by Freedom
I would get this before I would take them to the vet. You can order it and get over night shipping. I have known a few people who have had 100% success with this and not that money is the issue…. but they DID save a couple grand.
https://www.parvoemergencytreatment.com/Answer by Joanne B
This can be very difficult. How olld are the pups?….You need to separate the infected dog, and WASH WASH WASH before touching any of the others!! I lost a lab after painful surgeries to repair infected intestine and it was horrible. This disease is unforgiving. Please get vet help immediately, and do not try and fix on your own, it cannot be done!Answer by Lenora2
You need to take her to the Vet for treatment if you want her to live. Sometimes they can make it, but it’s very very difficult. I had it wipe out most of a litter once. Out of 10 only 2 survived. She needs an IV drip for fluids and for medication.Answer by foxy_larouge
if caught early enough the chances are good
however you need to treat ALL the puppies not just the one showing symptoms, youll also need to do preventative treatment for all other dogs in your home, as well as a through cleaning of anywhere the puppies have been, INCLUDING the yard. parvo is highly contagious!Answer by dragonfly3769
This is a chance of survival, but you will need to take the puppy to the vet…….what kills the parvo pups is they dehydrate from not eating or drinking and having the squirts. They need I.V. fluids. I worked for a vet years ago and we saved several parvo pups. However it can be costly. Good luckAnswer by oxygensexandtanning
my friends dog had it. they treated it and survived.!Answer by fastjeepchick
from my knowledge of knowing someone who had a rottweiler puppy with parvo…it was extremely expensive like around $ 4,000.00 expensive and the puppy actually stayed at the vets for 2 months while they monitored her..they would just go everyday and visit her and spend time with her,,yes she made it she was at the vets for 3 months, so it’s up to you the time and money but there are no guarantees in the end…it’s a chance you take…for me it would be worth the chance…at least you tried…talk to your vet and do more research on the virus…google it… then decide…Answer by Alyssa
You need to consult a vet ASAP if you want to have any chance at all.
There’s a natural medicine called Parvaid which is supposed to help in the recovery from Parvo. I’ve also heard of a product called Vibactra Plus and Colloidal Silver being used in the treatment of Parvo.
Keep the puppy hydrated. If she won’t drink water, give her fresh chicken stock, unflavored Pedialyte, or ice cubes. If she does get dehydrated, a vet can give her subcutaneous fluids to keep her going.
You also need to get a stool sample to the vet to rule out coccidia, giardia, and worms. Even if she has parvo, she could still have another problem too, and you need to treat those immediately so they do not complicate the parvo.
Don’t feed them dog food as it’s harder to digest- use a plain diet of boiled rice, cottage cheese, and boiled chicken breast.
Stress aggravats parvo, so it’s important to keep the puppy quiet and happy. Make sure someone stays with him as much as possible, and don’t move him or drive him excessively.
I strongly urge you to treat ALL of the remaining puppies with Parvaid as a preventative measure.
You also need to clean EVERYTHING- bleach their beds, and any fabric they’ve come in concact with, bleach the floors, etc. Keep a spray bottle of bleach water on hand to clean up any accidents they have, and bleach out their bowls every single day. You have to keep the virus from reinfecting any of them.
If you can keep her eating and drinking, and get at least the Parvaid into her system, you’ve got a decent shot of keeping her alive. But please treat the whole litter so you don’t have to do this process over and over again!
Answer by ChrisMy dog had parvo when he was a puppy. The vet gave him some medication (one was for nausea – metoclopramide – and one antiviral drug that I no longer have around to give you the name) and because of the costs that would have been involved in keeping him at the vet and the low survival rate, recommended we take him home and try to keep him hydrated. He said that’s pretty much all they’d do there only by IV so he told us to try anything we could to get pedialyte into him. We used a medication syringe (like you’d use to give a baby liquid tylenol, etc) every half hour/24 hours a day for almost a week and gave him as much of it at a time as we could get into him without really torturing him. We set alarms through the night to take turns making sure he got it. It took a lot of care, but we were able to pull him through it. Good luck.Answer by Pamela C
We Had a Rott/Dobeman Cross, “our Knicki”, we got her at 4 week’s old, when she came home, she was very healthy, at 6 week’s of age she got parvo, and for 5 months being on treatments and living in the vets home for 2 of those months, because she bled out twice, our vet was able to cure her, we only know that when she was in our care, we gave her pop cycles to keep her hydrated and kept her cool, and she lived on pepto bismal for the intire time, we had her until she was 13 yrs old when she died,, and she died of a nail clipping that wasn’t done right by a new vet that had rubbed on her other nail bed and caused an infection which required surgery by a new vet, but my point is, if you treat the pet and they are put on iv fluids and pepto, sometimes if the puppy has the will and the love from the family they can survive, my advice is to start with a full cup of pepto bismal and use a child’s medicine dropper to put in the puppies mouth, and also get your puppy to hydrate itself by licking pop cycles, they like the banana’s an cherry flavors and strawberry’s, and if you can Gatorade strawberry flavor frozen is also good to as it can be a used like an iv on humans,, good luck to you and i would love to know how your puppy does, god blessAnswer by tannaid
My dog Hoover had Parvo when we got him. We got him when he was 6 weeks old. He was fine for about a day and then we had to take him to the vet right away. He was very, very sick he had to stay at the vet for 8 days. He is 6 years old now. The only problem he has from the Parvo is that he is blind. You wouldn’t even know it unless he is in a strange or new place. I hope this helps. Please, please go to the vet a.s.a.p.Answer by gsdmix
The puppy we got when I was a child came down with parvo a couple of day after we got him home. He lived to be 15. My mom had to take him to the vet everyday to fluids injected under his skin. The link below seems to have pretty good information on treatment. Good LuckAnswer by JR
You don’t have to euthanize.
All you can do is treat the suymptoms. However; you are obviously a Backyard breeder and will continue to transmit parvo to all puppies you breed. You couldn’t take responsibility to spay there is not way you can handle treating a parvo pup let alone five. I doubt I could stomach doing five at a time.
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