ioyo: What will happen in the end of time according to judaism, christianity and islam?
“Judaism, christianity and islam believe in the resurrection of the body. What will then happen in the end of times according to each of the 3 religions?”
I’m having a really hard time finding good answers to this question, without reading the whole testaments and the qur’an. From the little I have found, the end of time seems to be pretty similar, but judging from the question I’d say the end of the times are a bit different in the 3 religions. Thankful for any help.
Answers and Views:
Answer by taurenthew
Scroll down to the Religious section.
Answer by Richard BI don’t know about the Jewish or Islamic understandings of the end of time, but I do know that the Christians have some kind of cosmic event that even Hollywood couldn’t dream up in a zillion years. Trumpets from the sky, angels flying around, God on a throne, saints and more angels singing their hallelujahs, fire and brimstone, the devil, the sun and moon falling out of the sky … all kinds of stuff. Will it happen this way? Probably not, even though some people think it will. Check out the Book of Revelation in the Bible.Answer by Magical Me
all the people that ever lived will be assembled and god will judge everyone according to his/her deeds. those who did good will be granted entrance to paradise where they will live forever while the wrong-doers will perish in hell forever unless god decides to forgive them.
good luck and i hope i’ve helpedAnswer by Jason C
you’ll be judged and sent to either hell or heaven, and before that judgement day…everyone dies and every dead person is raised and judged.Answer by hakeem
It is a complicated question, but to summarize, no one except the God knows when and how it comes , but we . muslims know that it is on friday.
However regarding what matters us is that the fate of us isby one of two possibilities; if you die then your fate is determined as your actions are stopped and no further sins and good work yaou can add, although you can add to your good actions when you e,g have built an school or a mosque or whatever good work as long as people benifit from it.
The other fate is when the big signs appear; as they prelude to the other day .They include sunrise from the west, the appearance of a creature like an animal, the descent of Jesus from the heaven , as we believe he isa life and come to support that muslims were right and others… these signs when appear no actions are accepted from those who still alife. then people die after Israfil whistle, then he whisle a gain to die all angels and satan ,then israfil die and the angel of death die , and it it here when he taste the death say that it is a very painful effect.Then remain the god and settle his power and after a time he return the souls to us again .And our prophet said that I am the first to arise from graves and when I exit I find Moses alife .and he said that he do not no who recreated first.
Answer by xyzi believe, the 3 religions come from the one God, but the books of Christianity and Judaism have changed by human in time. One of the miracles of Islam is that the words of Quran will never change in time.
So we should be expecting the little bit differences.
i think this will cover what Islam tells about the end.
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