manual: Can genital herpes appear on the clitoral hood? or are they just on the outer labia?
and do they appear 1 at a time or 2 or more? What other symptoms would a person have?
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Answer by LINDSEY S
You can get herpes any where on your genitals. That includes clitoris, labia, vaginal opening, anus. buttocks and inner thighs. They can occur as single blisters or open paper cut like sores. It can look like a rash of raised pimples or clusters of blisters. You can have more then one blister or sore. Then there are some people that have herpes but don’t get break outs or symptoms.
You would have symptoms like itching, burning and or tingling symptoms. An initial break out often causes flu like symptoms, swollen genitals, burning pain when urinating.
If you think you have it then you should see a doctor and get tested for herpes. That is the best way to find out if you have it.
thur on ur face if ur doin it rong
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