: How did Enrique Iglesias go from singing songs like “Hero” to “Tonight I’m F***king You”?
Surely others noticed this sudden shift in his song meanings….has he given any explanation for it?
Answers and Views:
Answer by Phillis
It is obviously his mole that took over his brain. Sad to say but i dont think he”ll ever get his mind back from the hairy mass on his face.
Answer by omar
It’s for money he doesn’t care as long as he gets paid.
Answer by musicatto
This is why I listen to classical guitarists such as Ana Vidovic and flamenco guitarists such as Grisha Goryachev. No words just amazing compositions on beautiful nylon strings!
Answer by Ernie Belmonte
they sound stupid
Answer by (i)(i)(i)
Commercialism. People lose interest if things don’t change.
Answer by Jessie Love
He has said in an interview on a UK TV show that he likes to change his music.
And that he doesn’t like to repeat himself, so that’s probably why he’s gone from “Hero” to “Tonight I’m F***ing You” 🙂
Answer by A A
It’s hardly a sudden shift the two songs you mention were released 10 years apart.
Also there’s these things called albums that portray a fuller body of an artists work beyond what’s released to the radio. If you’ve followed Enrique’s albums then it’s not without precendence.
The same album that brought us “Hero” also had songs on it like “Love 4 Fun” and “She Be The One” and those were tame in both sound and meaning in comparison to the songs that were on his followup. If anything “Hero” was a strange choice of single to release from what was mostly a fun up tempo pop album.
On the flip side his current album also has romantic songs such as “Coming Home” and “Heartbreaker” to go along with the songs that have been big Top 40 hits.
The question should be why are they suddenly releasing songs like this as singles? As a fan I can tell you for a long time he was uncomfortable with his old label just pushing him as a romantic singer because that’s what sold back then. He’s always wanted to be portrayed as a more varied pop artist. He had to beg his label to release “Takin’ Back My Love” and they kept rejecting “I Like It”. It took moving to a new label to get that song out there and it turned out be his biggest hit.
So he was never completely romantic back then and he’s not completely the other way now.
Answer by ♥Melina ◕‿◕ x
shes a dirty dirty danceeerrr dirty dirty dancer never ever lonelyyyy >:L
i also miss songs like “hero” and “do you know”.now i dont even like him anymore..
Answer by LiNdSaY
Enrique is a man that likes variety. And get your info right, he just made a new song called ‘i like how it feels’ which not a racy song at all. And he has an album he released a year ago and it has a mixed bag of expressions. From (translated) “When I fell in love” to “Coming home”. He is just expanding his horizons. I despise the people who just assume a person is a type of person based on one song instead of the artist’s full profile
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