Elizabeth Sunset: Does an apartment tenant have to notify their landlord if they have a gun in the home?
In California, is this part of any gun law(s) or rental law(s)? I ask because my neighbor downstairs had his gun go off while he was cleaning it and the bullet went through his wall, acorss the sidewalk, and into another neighbors apartment. Now I wonder if the manager knows who else has a gun around here.
Answers and Views:
Answer by Krammar
It should be reported to the manager. Your neighbor is lucky he didnt injure or kill some innocent person. He is not a responsilble person who should own a gun. What idiot cleans a gun without FIRST checking to see if it’s loaded.
Answer by earanger
Unless it’s in the rental agreement, then I would think not. I’ve rented before, and that was never in a rental agreement.
Now – your neighbor is dangerous. No one in their right mind cleans a gun while it’s loaded. I was in the military, and I am an ex-cop, and I’ve never cleaned a loaded gun (stupid), and I never had an accidental discharge. That was with 24+ years of weapons use.
Answer by sensible_man
No it is not required. Your neighbor is an idiot and I hope someone called the police, and notified the Apt manager for this. He is dangerous
Answer by Rick J
No you don’t. And your neighbor that had his gun go off while cleaning it is a total moran and shouldn’t own a gun.accidents like that should never happen. Why would you clean a loaded gun? how would you not know if the gun was loaded?
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