hlg: Does a fly flying in an airplain add weight to the airplain or not?
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Answer by Panda
Yes it does.
Everything in the plane adds to the weight, even the people. The fuel does, the payload does. That weight changes all kinds of aspects of flight.
Answer by HoneyPea
well if the fly was stationary when plane took off and got situated in sky then started to fly when seat belt sign went off his weight would be with the plane because i think the energy it took to make the fight airborne his weight was a factor in it. but if the fly is flying constantly and never lands. i don’t think his weight is added
Answer by Justin W
Wrong Honey. You forgot the force of the beating of the wings would add. As the fly flies, a force would be exerted downwards on to the plane. This force would replace the weight of the fly.
Remember, for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. You push on something, it pushes back on you with equal force.
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