Michelle G: How should I convince my mom to get me my pomeranian for Christmas?
I have been bugging her about it for the past three weeks already and she won’t give in.I would be very thankful if you could help me convince my mom.
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Answer by Never Guess the Rest
Not a good idea around the holidays. It will be very hectic, and the puppy or dog will likely not get enough attention.
But just keep studying, and eventually you’ll get there. 🙂
Do EXACTLY what I did when I wanted a german shepherd!
Grow up, graduate, save up, move out, and buy your own pomeranian!
Now, this only took me about ten years to achieve….
Answer by BWDGYou could convince by showing her your knowledge of the breed and how to train it. But I wouldn’t recommend it. Most puppies bought during the holidays just end up in shelters because something goes wrong. Plus a dog is a family responsibility, to have a mentally healthy dog everyone in the family has to involved in it’s life. It’s a trait that all dogs have from their ancestors, the wolves. It’s the pack-mind and it’s the reason why dogs are such good companions.
But if you want to learn more about pomeranians go to this website.
Answer by Lays and Dr.PepperSo i have a pom. pup and ive been begging my mom for hmm about 12 years for a dog and im about umm 13 so ya ever scinc i could talk i have been wanting one. she will give in just ask evry day but instead of saying “Can i have a dog” Just say “awww that dog is so cute” or ” What i wouldnt give for that little fella” say somthing as a comment that shows you want a dog and show that you are respnsible.
This wont happen fast but it will happen!
GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!Answer by sharletis1
Getting a dog for christmas is never a good idea. Its the bussiess time of the year not to mention school holidays!!! You mum is right in saying no to getting a dog. A dog is a huge responsibility, not to mention the cost of owning one. If you get a puppy who is going to pay for its food, toys , bedding, flea solution, worming tablets etc? Whos going to pay for vet care such as vaccinations, microchipping, desexing, emergencies such as accidents and illnesses????
Getting a dog is not a pick of the moment choice. It takes time to think about wqeither you have the time to own a dog.
this is most likely why your mum is saying no!!!Answer by Gina
Well actually most reputable breeders wont sell pups at this time of year. Ever heard of the phrase “a dog is for life not just for Christmas”? well thats the reason most wont sell around christmas. Too many people think its a good idea to get a dog as a present then find that they actually have to train the dog and get up in the night to housebreak it and all the unglamorous jobs of owning a dog.Answer by MamaBas
I’m sorry, but I’m not going to help convince your mum – she’s right!! Puppies should never be brought into a family at Christmas-time. Most households are far too busy, too much going on, to have a puppy around. You will, when you do get your puppy, find out that puppies need 24/7 attention. And no good breeder will ever sell you a puppy, for Christmas either. Wait until after the holiday season is ended, when things quieten down and you can all give your puppy the attention is will need.Answer by STOP BYBs
I don’t think it’s best to get a dog by surprise. Lots of people, who get a dog in a celebration, lose interest in they’re dog and they end up in shelters. Your mom doesn’t want a dog. Volunteer at a shelter and see how hard it is to take care of a dog. Pomeranians have a fluffy coat and needs a lot of grooming and it sheds a lot. Also if Pomeranians aren’t trained well they develop Small Dog Syndrome. By the way, don’t buy from pet stores.
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