Eric P: Is it Ok to call and “confirming an interview” for a job because….?
I need to call and “confirming an interview” because my dumb self forgot to wright down the day of the interview.. its Thursday or Friday I cant remember…. What Should I do ? HELP!!!!!!!!
Answers and Views:
Answer by AJ
Simply call and ask for the time. They will understand.
Ithink it will be ok to callAnswer by J C
Interviewers love when you seem proactive. Call and let them know that you wanted to confirm the date and time they had for your interview. Then thank the person who helps you and let them you are looking forward to the interview.Answer by ayup me ole china
YES. Be proactive and confirm day/time. When you call, simply state that as you have no confirmation letter sent from the company, that you’d just like them to clarify date and time now, over the phone.
That is totally acceptable… and learn from the mistake!
Best of luck with the interview! =)
I’m surprised everyone says it’s O.K. Before I read your question I was thinking that it would seem like you’re being a pain in contacting them. Now that I see you can’t “remember” or didn’t “wright” right down the correct information…..good luck!!!
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