: When does the Christmas season start for you?
To start off, I do not celebrate Christmas religiously. I follow Ethical Hedonism, do what you want within safe, legal limits. I celebrate Christmas for the fun of it. My family has always said that when the Santa Claus float passes the star at the Macy’s Parade then at that moment, the Christmas season begins.
Answers and Views:
Answer by Bvbvbvvvv Hghghghgh
the first day of Advent …. so december 1st
December 1st,
The Retailers about September though,
Answer by Carlie DessaixIts starts on the 1st of December for me! The countdown to the 25 days of Christmas,
Although, im already excited! I cant wait!!:) But it’ll feel more Christmasy on the 1st:):)
Answer by Cinthya DidiI think december 1
You can get chocolat callenders
Start christmas shopping
Put a snow wallpaper backround on your laptop
Listen to christmas songs
And it’s when kids start thinking if gifts lol
And I live where it might be able to snow and every year only in december not before it almost snowed or snowed (well sometimes also in january and febuary but it always starts in december toweards the first few days)Answer by DoggieLover123
To me, Christmas starts when all the neighborhood Christmas lights come up, when ABC Family’s Countdown to 25 Days of Christmas shows up, when all you can hear is Christmas music on the radio, Christmas decorations come up in stores, stuff like that. 🙂
Happy Holidays! ^.^
Answer by StartourChristmas starts for me when I know my parents go Christmas shopping and I try to find the presents and of course on December 1st to start the countdown whoa Christmas
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