kt_w_801: Can my children still be on medicaid if my work offers insurance?
My wife and I have been unemployed for the past year. Our children needed insurance, so we signed them up for medicaid insurance. I just got a new job, which offers insurance. Can I keep my children on medicaid still?
Answers and Views:
Answer by plain ol’ bill
If you still remain under the income guidelines for your state, sure.
Answer by Zarnev
Having access to other insurance is not a disqualification for Medicaid. However, you must report your new income or you could be charged with fraud.
Answer by mbrcatz
Medicaid is run on a state by state basis. it’s going to depend on which state you live in.
Answer by Flower
You may not be able to keep them on Medicaid because you have a job and have income and possibly because you cannot have private insurance and Medicaid both. You have to ask your case worker.
Answer by Ann
Report your new job to Medicaid and find out.
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