Mrs. Omarion: Can I still get the apartment even if my credit is not the same as others?
I am interested in renting/living in an apartment in Los Angeles, CA. This apartment is so beautiful and spacious. The rent is expensive because it cost about $ 1500/month to live there. I know that L.A. is expensive, but I always wanted to live there when I was a kid, since I am from Chicago. I also noticed that landlords look at your credit report to see your credit, and I am not sure which credit report they would look at. I don’t want to get rejected because I really want to live at that apartment. I am also afraid that my credit score would be bad from the other two credit reports since I already know that one of my credit scores on one of my credit reports is good. My question is should I keep my fingers crossed and hope that I do get approved for the apartment or should I just forget about it and pray that I get the apartment?
Answers and Views:
Answer by -+-|oNe|-+-
Some places will let you get the apartment while others wont the best solution is the contact the apartment u are willing to get and ask the this question in person or by phone.
Answer by liss323
While most apartments do require a credit check, you may be able to get the apartment even with a low credit score if you have a parent or family member with good credit who is willing to co-sign for you. Often, landlords are more interested in whether or not you can pay the rent so if you have proof that you have a good-paying job and have been steadily employed that may also help you in getting the apartment.
Answer by fr_chuck
Normally there is little difference between credit agencies on thier ratings, esp if there is alot of bad running arouind.
Some of the main issues they may look at also is what type of job do you have to pay for this, what is your income, what is your current expenses to income ( if you only earn 3000 a month and want to rent a 1500 dollar apartment they may not be too interested.
So if you earn 10,000 a month, and have bad credit, most likely they will give you alot more room.
Also past rental refrences mean alot. does your bad credit report include evections or suits or debts from past land lords.
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