bluebell: How big could a jail building be to stop crime in Britain?
The British government is planning to build a super-large jail house in the UK to accommodate 100s of thousands of prisoners. The question is how does that prevent, stop or deter crime?
Waste of time and tax payers money, I believe. Moreso, it turns the UK to the jail house of Europe, but will curb no crime as usual.
There better ways to spend that kind of money, especially on programs that prevent crime rather than attempting a knee-jerk immediate cure.
Answers and Views:
Answer by Arcadia
First I’ve heard of this…give us a link to the story, or we may be inclined to disbelieve you.
“100s of thousands”…that would make it at least twice the size of Wembley Stadium. Sort of hard to believe really.
Answer by roadrunner426440
Sounds to me like they have the right idea
Answer by Liza K
the jail would have to spread through all of Britain
Answer by thecharleslloyd
Look, we all go to school and learn what is right and wrong, If we listen and learn we don’t have to go to Jail. Some people don’t and off they go to Jail.
Parents need to grow up and spend time with their kids teaching them right from wrong. If your child commits a crime before they are 13 then it’s the parent that should do the time. There is the route of the problem, one generation of that and the new Jail will be redeveloped into an adventure play ground
The country would not have to spend this money if the young were given the right attention. Learning is the key to all. My child is getting plenty of attention and I give my time to her so she can learn right and wrong, if everyone did this we would not need so many jails. The odd crime that is human or the person is insane. No one in their right mind wants to go to Jail and once they have it’s habit forming.
In short, people should stop being cry babies and learn to do as the law says. Not rocket science
Answer by P-MACH 1
Put a big fence around the entire country, just like a fence should be around the USA.
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