Aimee’s Mommy: When did your breasts first start to leak?
I am 35 weeks and since about a week ago my breasts leak a little bit just about every day. The first time I noticed it I actually had a giant wet spot on my shirt. When did your breast first start to leak and if it was early did you go into labor early as well?
Answers and Views:
Answer by My Isabel is here! (9/25/08)
actually, mine never did leak until after birth when I started pumping. every one is just different.
Mine started to leak at about 22 weeks,
I’m 33 weeks pregnant right nowAnswer by Yo
mine never did on my previous 2 pregnancies not until after the babies were born.Answer by rpswife
I started at 30 weeks…. And no it doesn’t mean your going to go into labor early… No real reason why breasts sometimes decided to leak, jut happens… Oh they might get kind of sore in about a week or so… Not fun…Answer by Travis Barker
My friend Evan’s breasts always have leaked.Answer by 4 weeks to go….
mine havnt leaked yet…Answer by Mindy W
Mine started around 22-23 weeks. Could have been earlier but that was the first time I noticed. I had my son at 38 weeks. It doesn’t have anything to do with when labor will happen.Answer by USMC_Wifey
Oh man! Mine leaked earlier and earlier with each child. Simple solution is to get some bra pads and make sure you have them in place! Before I gave birth, the cloth pads were fine. You can get them anywhere — have at least 6-8 pair. After birth the only thing that worked was the Lansinoh breast pads. I leaked through everything else !Answer by tash
omg mine started leaking at 21 weeks one worse than the other as i had it pierced . was shock to my system i didn’t think it happened until just before baby comes ..xx
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