Randi R: How do I “black out” a motorcycle myself?
I just bought a motorcycle and thought it would look nice if I could “black out” the pipes, carb, etc… How could I do this myself? I am not too familiar with motorcycles, this is my first one.
I had a hard time finding a paint shop in the San Gabriel Valley, near Pasadena, Glendale and Arcadia. If someone could recommend one personally too, that would be awesome.
Answers and Views:
Answer by Andy Pandy
If you have to paint it black, heaven knows why, you will be much less visible to the blind tin top peddlers, Painting the exhaust pipes is not good idea as apart from the mess, the paint will burn off and given the exhaust temperature at the point of exit from the cylinder, it could catch fire. Still, the tin tops will be able to see you as you pass with flames licking round you legs.
Answer by guardrailjim
For the exhaust, you can use “high temp” paint.
Anyone can use it, it comes in a spray can.
It’s available at auto parts stores.
It comes in different colors (it’s used to paint car exhausts, rocker covers and engine blocks.
Answer by ratio_sertraline
Along with the last guy’s answer, most people call it barbecue paint. It’s basically a flat black. If you are going to paint it yourself with a spray bomb, make sure that you scuff the hell out of the parts you are painting with scotchbrite and clean it thoroughly with a solvent such as Methyl Ethyl Ketone to remove any oils that you would leave behind from your skin and the dust from scuffing. (Paint adheres better to a scuffed surface). I would also suggest priming it before you paint it as well.
But, if you really want to do it right, use a two-part epoxy primer and a laquer paint with a HVLP (High Volume Low Pressure) pneumatic spray gun.
As for blacked out bikes being less visible…………..I don’t know, the Harley-Davidson Night Rod looks F’in great.
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