sky walker: Are members of organized religions spiritually lazy?
I’ve heard some women say that women who buy cake mix in a box or tv dinners are lazy because they don’t want to cook from scratch.
By analogy aren’t members of organized churches spiritually lazy? Rather than develop their own religious beliefs from scratch by independent thought, they simply adopt a “recipe” set of beliefs from one of many organized religions.
Answers and Views:
Answer by Coca Cola
God has helped me with my belief. I have not been lazy(spiritually)
The bible tells you what to do and it is the truthAnswer by sunshinesss:)
The ones that are spiritually lazy are the ones that ‘talk the talk’ (say they are a Christian) but they don’t ‘walk the walk’ (act like a Christian in their everyday lives).Answer by Delta D
In some ways, yes. However, a lot of people gravitate to organized religion for the social aspect.Answer by Heretic Savant
I assume that if you want to get to that level of knit-pickery….sure….Answer by Mr.K
I can’t speak for all members of organized religions, but I think people choose a religion that represents the majority of what they believe. I think that there are a lot of differences in beliefs in each religion, and that is why there are different sects. Just because you follow an organized religion, doesn’t mean that you just believe everything they say because they say it.Answer by Feivel
I am a member of a synagogue in the United States and one in Israel. I am far from lazy. I attened Yeshiva’s both in the states and in Israel. We were taught to question, examine, debate and learn. We do not have our beliefs handed to us.
Yes, I was sent to Yeshiva by my parents but I have been encouraged to question and I have asked many questions over the years (I am 19). I don’t think there is a need to develop something from scratch, as in a different religion but I began to learn for myself with I was about 10. I had questions and concerns and rather than have the answers dished out to me I had several viewpoints given to me and told places I could learn more if I wanted to and I did want to.
My faith has come from my own learning and studying. Even though my father is a Rabbi, I am free to reject it without consequences but I do not because I have come to believe in Judaism for myself.
You have over-generalized.
I assume Christians and Muslim, many of them at least, did the same thing and reached their own conclusions for what they wanted their own belief system to be. Who is anyone to say others are force fed beliefs? I am sure some are but I am just as sure many are not.Answer by EffexorAchiever
To me it’s more about finding and fellowshipping with with like-minded people. I may have some of my own refinements that are not in sync with my church, but they’re not major. Actually I would say that most people attend a church for the fellowship in the context of their own private beliefs.Answer by Overseer
Absolutely true without a doubt. No argument. Your logic is flawless. God’s logic is another story. They enjoy feel good religious experiences and go with the flow because God has blinded their eyes and ears to the truth. Organized religion has its function in the world and without it we would probably have anarchy.Answer by Katheryn G
Nominal members of organized religions and people who are apathetic about organized religion are spiritually lazy. However, I think that people who strive to be serious about their spiritual beliefs — whether they are members of an organized religion, spiritual but not religious, or even have a well-thought-out antipathy to religion and spirituality — are not spiritually lazy.Answer by ForeverSet
you are stating things that I had often thought about for some people, but not all….we have to be careful about clumping everyone into the same bin….*while many of us have left organized religion because they were disturbed at finding God’s Word being compromised, some have stayed to try and witness to those still within the churches and battling satan on the homefront… so, there are still good, strong people within the Churches.
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