Dr.Sabra: Anyone knows an accurate quiz online that tests what political ideology I should follow?
I am pursuing an International Relations degree, and I am looking to becoming a politician. I live in Switzerland. Anyone knows a quiz online that tests this? Of course, this will not determine my future. I just want to start developing some ideas… Thanks in advance!
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Answer by aguadelfuego4
This is a short quiz (only ten questions), but is quite accurate, and one of the most famous quizzes for determining where one lies on the political spectrum. Just so you know, you may not fall into a distinct group. Of the five possible classifications on the quiz (Leftist/Liberal, Rightist/Conservative, Centrist/Moderate, Libertarian/Classic Liberal, and Statist/Totalitarian), I was placed right on the point of the grid where Leftist, Libertarian, and Centrist meet. Post your result after! Good luck!
Update: I took the quiz linked by Pedestal 42, and I’m approximately in the middle of the Left-Libertarian square. Good quiz; very comprehensive, although, it gave me basically the same results as the shorter quiz.
Answer by Pedestal 42I suggest you take a look at the site and test below, which considers the libertarian/authoritarian axis as well as the left/right one.
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