jakethesamurai: What does Algebra exactly do for our lives outside of school?
I am not really sure why we are supposed to learn Algebra. I am sure there is a good reason to it, I just wanted to know why.
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Answer by peapers
Every industry uses algebra and mathematics all the time.
Not studying your math will mean the difference between punching orders up on the cashier’s machine at McDonalds and writing the code that makes it function.
I’m sure you’d rather be the latter.
Answer by Mamdoh S. LaguindabThe answer to this question is that you need Algebra to equip you in any occupational field that requires higher Mathematics, such as computer science, electronics, engineering, medicine (doctors), trade and commerce analysts, etc.
Algebra also lets you develop logical thinking and problem solving skills. It can increase your intelligence! Actually, studying any math topic can do that (even elementary math), if the mathematics is presented and taught in such a manner as to develop a person’s thinking.
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