Joseph S: How do you get an African Grey Parrot to wear a flight harness?
I’ve been wanting to take my parrot outside so I bought a harness for him to wear. The instructions make it sound easy but he won’t go anywhere near it. How can I put the harness on him?
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Answer by Parrot Expert
The answer is positive reinforcement training! You need to make the parrot WANT to wear the harness on its own. Obviously it is novel and a bit uncomfortable, but you can overcome this by making it a rewarding experience. Here are two extensive articles with photos and videos about how to train your parrot to put on a harness willingly:
How would you feel if your parents wanted to show you off so they tied a rope around your ankle so you couldn’t run away? You have a parrot that is expensive and you want to scare the bajevils out of him with a harness so he won’t fly away….why don’t you just clip his wings?
In case you haven’t read in an African Grey book………they are very skittish with anything different…of course you probably haven’t read a book about him or you would have known this……..
Yes Alfred I am an idiot….I have raised and trained thousands of birds in my time with birds……I am such an idiot with parrots that I have a waiting list of people who are waiting for my baby parrots…most have to wait two years to get a baby from me…..I am such an idiot that the local pet shops call me continuosly wanting my birds for their shops……….by the way I have a parrot that is named Alfred….he is probably smarter than you….I have handled more parrots than you can immagine… personal pets have been flight trained to come to me even when outdoors…I am such an idiot……….I should have saved the time and put a damn harness on a bird so he can get a jolt when he reaches the end of his rope… need to go to a mirror and repeat the word idiot a thousand times and the STFU. I speak from experience and knowledge… speak out of ignorance.
Answer by Alfred PWow, Anthony you sound like a complete idiot. He asked how to put a harness on, not for you to rant about how dumb you are because you don’t know how to do it. Only stupid people clip parrots because they don’t know how to handle them otherwise.
Even clipped parrots should wear harnesses outdoors because there is no guarantee that some wind and adrenaline can’t sweep them up. Joe, whether clipped or not, you’re definitely doing the right thing with your parrot by finding out how to use the harness. Have you considered contacting the manufacturer or something? Maybe they can help. Otherwise your best bet is searching the net for articles and videos. Try youtube and other sites and learn from people who ACTUALLY KNOW how to put a harness on and not shmucks who just tell you to mutilate their bird and deny it the pleasure of getting fresh air outdoors.
Anthony, I feel bad for all the birds that go through you to have to be around such a negligent ignoramus. You didn’t even have an ounce of sense to answer the original question rather than ranting about what a helpless loser you are. You sound terribly immature and inexperienced for someone who boasts such expertise. I pitty your miserable existance, but most of all I pitty your birds… if you even have any.
Answer by M2MMHarness training can be very long and involved, especially when a Grey is initially afraid of the harness. Getting them used to the sight and feel of it is the first step, and then getting them used to having it drawn across their backs is the next phase. This is where I have issues myself.
If you purchased an “Aviator” from “Parrot University,” they include a DVD with all the steps shown clearly. Still, I have not had success with this process. My two Greys (one CAG and one TAG) are both very nervous birds – one came from an abusive home, the other is just “highly strung,” so I try to take things very slow with them, and this makes the process VERY slow and somewhat frustrating for me.
Try joining a forum for AGs and ask for help from those members who have succeeded in harnessing their Greys – some in record time. I’m constantly amazed by relatively “new” parronts who can get their bird into a harness in less than a week! I’m inclined to believe that unless the bird is extremely trusting or they are very young and easy to handle, it’s going to be a long time before your average Grey “parront” is going to be able to harness train a bird.
If you have an outgoing bird who likes to socialize, then in theory, it should be easier to do, but if your bird is anything like mine (very non-social in general) then it will not happen without a LOT of work on your part.
Sorry, I cannot offer a more positive or upbeat reply. 🙁
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