maggie: Is it hard for women to become an airline pilot?
I am a student pilot in high school and is deciding where to go to college. I am not having a big support from my parents on being a pilot. They think I am a girl and it will be hard for me to compete with guys when I apply for an airline job. Moreover, I am only 5’1 feet tall.
Is it true that airlines will consider guys first when they hire pilots? and will the airlines still hire lots of pilots by the time I graduate from college(4 yrs later) ?
Answers and Views:
Answer by Aaron Hall
Times have changed, and so has the mentality of hiring female pilots.
Being a pilot, Its not about what sex or color or creed the bus driver or stick position actuator is, but their qualifications.
I will say this, do not go into aviation with the mentality that there is a lot of money involved with being a pilot. Times have changed, Its only the very senior pilots in generall who are cranking in the six figures. Ask any Comair, ASA, or Colgan pilots how much they make…It will make you sick! (Starting off at about 15K-17K a year!) For most of us, its not about the money, but that mentality is partially why the wages have gotten down so low….Someone will always do the job for less!
Affirmative action and equal opportunity has made this a non-issue.
My flight instructor was female! She did a hell of a job too!
it’s hard for anyone to become a pilot.Answer by ladybugewa
That would be discrimination! Most airlines avoid that, as they could get sued. It’s a human rights violation too.
By all means, become a pilot and show those guys!Answer by Concorde
No we are all created eqally and therefor are equal in every apect of jobs etc. Woman and men cn become pilots a lo of space shuttle flihts have had woman CAPTAINS yes captains space sutte so men and woman can all do the same jobs no problem
Good luck with your dreamI to am a studet pilot working my way to get a jo for an ailine
Answer by quicksilverTo the contrary, I think you would have a slight advantage getting an airline pilot position, as they bend over backwards to not appear discriminatory. Your height is fine, and if you are sure this is what you want, then don’t let anything deter you. Because of military options for men, it is still easier for them to get the training required. Private lessons, as you know, are expensive – and you will need training on multi-engine aircraft, plus a good bank of hours before you apply.
There is always the option of trying to get a corporate slot first
on smaller aircraft, or possibly a flight instructor on light general aviation craft , and then moving up. As far as commercial airlines, you will most likely have to start at a regional airline. So many companies have reduced their fleet of larger aircraft, and contracted a lot of the shorter routes. As someone said, the pay at the regionals is not very grand. Still, if you love flying, don’t let anything keep you from your dream.Answer by pilot
i dont see why it should be. if an airline wont hire you because of your sex you can take them to court just like if they wont hire you because of your race. i want to be a pilot!! tell your parents its a high paying job with rewards like cheaper flying and traveling the world at a low price. im with you 100% and im a guy!!!!!Answer by Av8trxx
Speaking as a female airline pilot, NO it is not that hard- if you are qualified.
You are not competing against the guys per se, but rather the airlines “competitive minimums” to get hired. “Competitive mins” are the average of their new hires qualifications, which may be above their minimums just to apply. Also, affirmative action helps women (and minorities) get interviews. Females number only about 6% of ALL pilots in the USA and 2% of airline pilots. Airlines want to increase the ranks of women in their companies. If they call you to interview, they want to hire you- regardless of your sex. They will call if you meet at least their minimums and especially if you exceed them. How frenzied the hiring will be in 4 years is anyones guess, but simply due to attrition there will always be hiring providing there is no massive downturn in the air travel industry (like post 9/11). Also, in 4 years time when you graduate in all probability you will not be hireable by an airline unless you managed to fly a side job to gain experience while you are in school. Even graduates from a big name school like Embry Riddle (who pay $ 100K for their training and degree) don’t meet minimums as they don’t have the 1,000 flight hours of experience needed upon graduation. Read more about the ways to train, build experience and career FAQs at my site-
Also, as an aspiring airline pilot, you really need to visit these links-
As an aspiring WOMAN pilot, there are two organizations out there to help you achieve your goals (they also provide scholarships for flight training!):
The International Organization of Women Pilots
Women in Aviation International
BTW- being 5″1″ is no problem either (I am only an inch taller than you). The more sophisticated the aircraft, the better the seats adjust!
Answer by MonicaBillYou still have the slight advantage being a woman!! I am so happy for you!!!! 5’1″? Perfect! You fit into ANY airplane! 😉 You have to look at things from a different angle. I think it is all positive.
You can get hired at a regional carrier with minimum hours right now….need pilots at a lot of regional carriers. I can say, however, this industry is always changing, but that can also work to your advantage! The pay is a bit low to start, but it won’t take long to earn a decent salary. If you love flying, it won’t be your number one issue!Answer by raqandre
I really don’t think so. I’ve seen a significant number of female captains.Answer by Michael N
Visit the International Society of Women Airline Pilots Web site
SA+21 is a charitable, non-profit organization of career
women airline pilots whose purpose is to:
Celebrate camaraderie.
Support informational exchange and social interaction
among its members in a healthy environment.
Provide aviation scholarship opportunities for
career-seeking women.
Inspire future generations of women aviators
via educational outreach.
No its not any harder for you than a guy… in fact, recently, airlines have been hiring women like crazy, more of a shift toward equality… I think I flew with one lady captain when I was a first officer… now as captain, I get at least one lady first officer seems like every trip… Its a welcome change…
Dont go into it thinking there’s a lot of money involved however… you need to understand that a rookie first officer is lucky to make 25K… more realisitically, 20K
Answer by nospamHard? For a woman? Ever heard of the EEOC?
Fact is, you will be hired over a similarly although more-quallified male counterpart simply because you are female. Airlines, corporations, flight schools, etc ALL have to check the little boxes about minority and female hiring.
About the airlines, I don’t know. They’re currently in the process of trying to kill GA. There migh not be a General Aviation around for you to learn to fly in 4 years.
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