KrabbyKayla: Will Hermit Crabs wear “christmas tree” shells?
i got shells from a gift shop on virginia beach a few years ago and i am going to get hermies this week and i am going through the shells now to sterilize them ahead of time (by boiling them) if you long do you boil them and at what temp. ? i know that the “cristmas tree” shells come from trumpet snails from previous research on dwarf puffers (they will not eat trumpet snails) i will stop babbling now.
Answers and Views:
Answer by ♥Miley♥
Hermit crabs could care less about the design on the shell.
Answer by ♥ Emerson ♥
as long as it is the right size…it can have any picture on it..♥
Answer by mizpriz30
Go to Everyone there is very friendly and helpful, and you’ll get all the info that you need to know.
Answer by DJ
Answer by Courtney L
Yes they will.
Answer by hermitcrab_rescue
To boil shells.. use de-chlorinated water only… place them inot a pot of that water and bring to a rolling boil for at verry least 5 minutes at the rolling boil and sometimes 10 minutes for very dirty or large shells.. let them cool and drip dry.
AS far as this shell I believe it is this one…
It depends on the size of the opening.. normally hermies like turbos, sharks eyes and whales eyes.. babylonias and japenese snail shells. The opening must be big enough for his abdomen to get in and everything to tuck inside except for his big pincher which is used to block the opening.. I am very doubtful that they will want that shell.. we have some for decoration but that is it.
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