skahhh: Why is it very important to Capitalistic Govenment system to keep all traditional religions that worshi?
p Eternal Damnation in the world thriving and well? In other words …the religions that purport that for whatever reason, if you do not do or “know in your heart” x or y or z you will go to eternal damnation place or permanent separation from the utopian God!
So that, if you have the above belief system as your foundation, you can be manipulated to see evil elsewhere,(those who do not agree with your religion) and kill to protect your religion or sacredness. This process keeps the money flowing to the conflicts and protection services and as long as language training and discerning faith is suppressed, the Eternal Damnation Groups, whether they be Christian, Muslim, Jewish or what have you from varying cultures and languages, never actually have a chance to cross paths, other than to kill one another, to rectify their differences.
This keeps the money machine rolling and the money rolling into the hands of the power, privilige and prestige of the Capitalists!
Blondbosserman, Luke 19 10-27?
Answers and Views:
Answer by blondbosserman
i have seen the deposits the local churches make at the bank, because i drop off deposits, they are like businesses, in the bible it says like this, i give you a penny, i go away you take it and invest it, when i come back i’ll see what we profited, something like that but in a different parable, i don’t feel like looking it up word for word, but this is how i interpreted the parable, ithink the churches should be taxed just like everybody else. government wake up, their businesses.
A delivery system for mass mind control.Answer by Phil
Although your premise has some merit, it is a bit skewed. In reality, most religions teach people to get along with each other, show acts of love and kindness, etc. (not that all adherents do so!) They also teach respect for government and authority, as long as it does not conflict with their religious teachings. Therefore, by people being devoted to their religion, they are likewise willing subjects of the government.Answer by athiestforthebirthofjesus
maybe your causation arrows are backwards.
Consider: “why is it important for religious groups of the [or you’ll die in hell] flavor, to embrace a greed-based governmental system?”
ans: “it makes more babies.”
which makes eugenic sense .. and a monstrous world after evloutionary effects unfold.
“ooh blah dee, ooh blah, dah, life goes on .. yeah .. la la la la life goes on”
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