George: Why do women insist on men make irrational decisions because of “love”?
Why do women insist on men make irrational decisions because of “love”?
OK, we all know that the vast majority of women don’t operate off logic. However, the male gender typically does and considering that marriage is a formation of a corporation and essentially a business contract that is genderly biased, why do women continue to insist on telling men that they need to marry a woman “because they love her?” They essentially want men to neglect the fact that they will be forming a business with an entity that brings lower future cashflows (as we know women make 72 cents on the dollar compared to men), typically less education, less assets, more debt, etc… Not to mention when the corporation liquidates (And more than half will), it does not do so in an equal fashion as the women (who I noted above typically brings less to the table) usually get the better end of the bargain.
Now what man or logically thinking individual would go into a business like that? But men are supposed to go into a marriage (which is a business despite what you broads want to say) and simply forget all of what I wrote above because they are to do it “for love”? This makes no g*ddamned sense. I don’t get why you expect men to make irrational decisions because of “love.” If a man finds a woman he loves, he can be in a monogamous relationship without marrying her.
Answers and Views:
Answer by Smooth T
I don’t get this tirade you’re on. Simply, because I love him is a stupid reason to be abused or neglected, you can love someone and still maintain a healthy distance from someone as well.
I am dating a heroin addict and I stuck by him through it because I loved him. We did have sex and do a lot of things that would be considered relational. He was in rehab a few times and I supported him it wasn’t a bad decision as we treated each other respectfully and valued each other
As far as those who make stupid decisions like being cheated on and staying with him ‘because I love him’ there is a limit to love without tolerating the BS if they treat you like a pile of crap.
Also, I think that by your last comment you are probably afraid of a commitment so you frame a ? about this to soothe your fears. Commitment is a big thing and it’s not easy, but marriage gives something spiritual to the ones involved. Vows to love one another and to be faithful to them
i think it foolish not to marry the one that you love
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