dragonfly9151974: Who knows the difference between progressive taxation and legitimate taxation?
I have noticed that on a lot of questions about taxes answerers confuse taxation for legitimate (constitutionally enumerated) purposes such as building and maintainging roads and the military with taxation for progressive purposes (unconstitutional social welfare programs).
There is a difference and I am wondering how many people understand that difference.
Social Welfare Programs are all programs which redistribute wealth or provide charity with taxpayer money. This includes all of what most people consider welfare programs, Education Funding, Social Security, Grants to businesses or individuals except as part of a legitimate work contract, etc.
Answers and Views:
Answer by badjanssen
explain it to us…give a link or two….
I do
the fact is the states fund the building and maintaining of roads with the state tax on gas.
the states where intended to be run independly of the federal government, but the federal government has taken enormous power from the states by giving the states federal money (the evil 16th amendment) thus the states must do what the feds want or the feds pull the moneyAnswer by Snowshoe
Progressive taxation means that people with higher incomes are taxed at a higher rate, it’s the system of graduated rates.
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