♥ Baby due on October 24th ♥: When you get a fetal anatomy at 18 weeks pregnant can you record it with a blank tape?
So tomorrow I am getting my ultrasound done for my fetal anatomy and I am 18 weeks pregnant….Do they usually let you record them if you give them a blank tape? Also how long does it usually take for this scan? Do you think they will tell me the gender of the baby to? Thanks.
Answers and Views:
Answer by Courtney O
18 weeks, you may be able to tell the sex. as far as the video tape, they don’t really do that anymore. they will give you pictures. if you take a blank DVD they may burn it on there for you. depends on hospital
Answer by Carter James Niles Born 5/1/10
Bring a blank CD. Every place is different but it never hurts to ask. Usually takes around 30-45 min, but depends on how cooperative the baby is. They can tell you the sex of the baby as long as the baby is willing to show it’s parts lol.
Answer by His LadyBug
I’m surprised that they did not tell you to bring a tape. Most ultrasound machines will indeed let you record the ultrasound if it is the scan that they are doing to determine the sex and check everything out. If you are having the scan for some other reason than just the normal 18-22 week scan then they may not let you, but it’s just the normal one they do to check the sex and how baby is doing and brain function then they should let you. The scan isn’t what really takes the most time.. it’s the wait! If you have your appointment early in the morning you will be fine, but if it’s scheduled later on in the day, it can be a really long line. Took my husband and I 2 hours to get our ultrasound. Once we got in there, it just took about 5 minutes to get the scan and then just went in for my regular appointment. They should be telling you the gender. It should be considered correct anywhere from 18-22 weeks.
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