..???..: When will the Insurance Lobby force us to have Medical insurance like the did Auto insurance?
Forced auto insurance, seat belt laws, helmet laws, child safety seats, laws and regulations, all brought upon us by insurance companies who use government regulation to maximize their profits.
Isn’t it only a matter of time before they get their friends in Washington to make Health Insurance Mandatory?
Or is that the republican plan for reform?
Answers and Views:
Answer by Invisible
Don’t you mean the Obama administration?
Answer by froghuggerYes, Obama said he wants to make everyone have health insurance.Answer by Richard M
Amazing, it’s the same over here in dear old blighty, same robbing thieving scams. How do we allow them to get away with it. Simple really, we the people DO NOT HAVE POWER, just a pale facsimile.Answer by Yahoo SUCKS
Reagan warned of obama and his kind, and I’m not referring to his race, He is a socialist, and health care is his door opener.
Please forward this video to all who question the “acting” president’s agenda!!!!!
Answer by jim kwell wait a second. the more you can mitigate damages with things like helmets and seat belts, the less insurance costs. also, i hear you, but auto insurance MUST be mandatory. if somebody runs into me, they should pay for my damages. if you don’t have insurance stay off the freakin” road!
as far as health insurance goes, medicare/caide really are the deal breakers in the federal budget. somehow we have to get a handle on the obscene costs. how we do that is open to debate. either today or tomorrow we are going to have to deal with it.
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