Ern: When will the DR start doing vaginal exams again?
Im 33 weeks.. when will my doctor start doing vaginal exams to check for dialation and whatnot?
I go every two weeks now.
Answers and Views:
Answer by laineysmom
They usually start at around 36 weeks. Once you start going every week.
Answer by webber217
when you switch to every week. cant remember when it is though. i think just the last month.
Answer by punxy_girl
Probably 35 weeks unless you start mentioning symptoms (contractions, mucus plug, discharge, etc.)
Answer by Wytecyde
Probably not until you are 38 or 39 weeks. It’s really not something to look forward to, it’s very uncomfortable.
Answer by mjb0915
I think my doctor did them the last month when I was doing weekly.
Answer by Tray
My doctor started at 37weeks but I know some doctors don’t check you at all because every time they check you it increases your chance of getting an infection
Answer by hobbit
when you swich to every week apnt. not very fun though…
Answer by Barbara S
I had my first at 36 weeks. At 37 weeks I didn’t get one, but at 38 I did. At my last exam, my doctor said my cervix was softening, which is the first progress I’ve made so far. Good luck and congrats!
Answer by gg
I think they checked me at 36-37 weeks.
Make sure your doc has long fingers. My midwife checked me…her fingers were so short…..I screamed in pain when she checked me.
Then they’ll check you a lot once you get into labor.
Answer by DeDe
You know thats a good question i dont remeber my doctor doing one on me for my last few weeks but i also had my son at 36 wks and he didnt even wait for my doctor to come to be born lol she said he was the 1st baby she didnt deliver im sorry i cant help you but if i had to quess i would say that last last week or when you’ll past due
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