chris.whitelaw: What’s the difference between the NYSE and Pink Sheet stocks?
And are there any general differences when investing in Pink Sheet stocks rather than an NYSE one?
Answers and Views:
Answer by golferwhoworks
pink sheets are penny stocks
listed stocks are on the major exchanges NYSE Nasdaq
Answer by wildbirdie
Pink sheet stocks are stocks that do not qualify for listing elsewhere. Sometimes they are just tiny companies that don’t meet the minimum capitalization requirements. Other times they are companies that have been delisted because they are in violation of SEC or exchange financial reporting regulations, in which case you have no information to make an investment decision on.
Answer by Michael L
The main difference is capitalization. NYSE requirements dictate that a company must have a specific worth. So you smaller companies will not make it onto the NYSE.
NYSE (and NASDAQ) companies are required to file regular audited financial reports. Pink Sheets, or over the counter (OTC) listed companies do not. There is very little regulation with Pink Sheet traded companies.
Micro Cap companies find themselves subject to rampant market manipulation, false information and lack of market liquidity. You should look at putting money into these stocks as gambling more than investing. (Just my 2 cents.)
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