MamyLaly: What would be your food shopping list when moving in to a new home?
I’m moving into a new home with my husband and kids. I want to make a shopping list of the food I need to remember to buy basically.
Stuff that last long and isn’t really high cost but good.
Answers and Views:
Answer by Natalie
Frozen dinners, like the big lasagnas and stuff.
Answer by Patrick D
A big bag of rice. My wife is Filipino, and they actually consider it bad luck to move into a new house without a bag of rice. When you think of it, it is very practical. Rice takes a very long time to go bad, its very filling, goes well with a lot of things, and its cheap.
start with staples then go from there.
Answer by ozfan98
If you’re looking for nonperishable things to stock your cupboards, you can get things like:
Main dishes – Pasta & pasta sauce (you can usually get pasta very cheaply on sale); soups; chili; all-in-one meals that even include the meat (like Campbell’s Super Supper Bakes, for instance); canned tuna and other meats (roast beef, chicken).
Side dishes – rice; packaged potatoes; pasta sides.
Fruits & vegetables – you can get a ton of stuff in cans, like pineapple, pears, peaches, green beans, asparagus, corn, peas, etc. You can also get dried fruit that will keep for a very long time.
Breakfast – packaged oatmeal; dry cereals.
Snacks – chips, crackers, rice cakes, cookies.
Condiments – ketchup, mayo, mustard, relish, salad dressings.
Peanut butter, jam and bread is great to have on hand for a quick bite with no cooking and very little prep.
Once you’re ready to buy refrigerator and freezer stuff, you’ll want to make a trip for dairy, fresh produce, frozen veggies, fresh meat, frozen foods like pre-made pizzas and other things that won’t keep during a move without fridge access. I find I can get a lot of things for good prices when I shop at a bag-it-yourself type of grocery store.
Answer by oldham_boi
i’ll say rice coz i’m asian. Pasta’s good too. Next comes sauces like chilli and bbq and mayonnaise. Then comes milk and sugar and eggs and salt and flour. I tend to stock up on chocolates and cookies too… =)
Answer by Lilly K
This one is hard to answer without knowing you and your family’s likes and dislikes. Staples are good to start with otherwise.
BBQ Sauce
Hot Sauce
Steak Sauce
Worstershire Sauce
Soy Sauce
Baking Soda
Baking Powder
Spices (whatever you like)
Cocoa Powder
Chocolate Chips
Koolaide, Tea, Coffee (coffee filters)
O.J., Apple Juice, Cranberry Juice
Hot Chocolate
Cereal, Oatmeal
Syrup, Pancake Mix
Snack Bars, Granola
Fruit Snacks, Raisins
Nuts (whatever you like)
Cupcake Cups
Pet Food (if needed)
Macaroni, Spaghetti, Zitti, Rotini, Egg Noodles, etc…
Canned Milk
Spaghetti Sauce
Sloppy Joe Mix
Pizza Sauce
Mushroom Soup
Cheese Soup
American Cheese
Cheddar Cheese
Mozzarella Cheese
String Cheese
Salsa, Chips
Dill Pickles, Sweet Pickles, Pickle Relish
Green Olives, Black Olives
Peanut Butter, Jelly
Honey, Molasses
These are just a few ideas depending on your needs and likes. When you first move in take paper plates, napkins, plastic silverware, plastic cups and trashbags. Save yourself work and get frozen pizzas, frozen lasagnas, frozen fried chicken, pot pies or t.v. dinners. You can add a salad, frozen bread sticks, frozen garlic bread and some fruit to round out the meal. You will be working hard enough with the move and unpacking to not have to worry about cooking as well.
Good Luck! 🙂
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