Big D: What would a football player wear to a homecoming party?
I play a football player in this play that I’m in and we have a scene with homecoming. What would a football player wear to the homecoming party?
Answers and Views:
Answer by Julia R
I think to homecoming a football plyer would wheir is anything a normal person would wheir. Why should they looks different from everyone else?
Answer by Kent
hey man, if your well into it, rock the full pads if you can get away with it and pull your shoulder pads off after arrival, if not, the workout shirt never fails ora practice jersey says enough too, hope it helps
Answer by Adam I
A letter jacket with a button up underneath and good jeans.
Answer by Brandon L
Well if i were you i would wear your football leatherman jacket to obviously repersent your team and wear some cool jeans and a matching belt to match your shoes and wear a watch and some shades if you want lol..
Answer by Leonardo
like everyone else a nice tuxedo
Answer by LIFE
Jock strap
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