rawr101: What penny stocks should I invest in to make quick big profits?
I’m doing a project for econ and I need to make the most money. We were given $ 50,000 in hypothetical money and are supposed to invest it in the stock market. I only have till the end of december to make the most money. What should I invest in, penny-stock wise? If you ideas of other stocks that aren’t penny stocks, let me know!
Answers and Views:
Answer by TP
I would strongly suggest to stay away from penny stock. I lost some of my real money in penny stocks. There is a reason why these stocks are just worth pennies. Think about it
I would suggest investing the 30,000 in 30 Dow Jones Industrial Average companies (1000 each) and the rest 20,000 in some growth stocks, can be from S&P 500.
Answer by Fletcher
has a lot of good stock information, tips, and you can even have up to date stock information emailed to you as soon as they are released.
Answer by dragonhawk6
Don’t listen to people who say you can’t make money with penny stocks. There are TONS of stocks that have given me good returns. The trick is to find them.
I stumbled on a great resource for penn stocks. It is a newsletter by 3 former brokers. They have made me a lot of $ .
Check it out. Hell, what do you have to lose? It is free
Answer by Safe Invest
you need to wait a good entrace, get a good trader and manage your account
what if your money makes you 1 – 10% or 10% to 200% per month
with no risk at all,what if you dont need to work and just enjoy life
what if you can watch your wealth growing while you are having fun
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