Feminine odor & itch got u down?: What is your favorite sport and what makes you appreciate it?
My fav sport is basketball! My reasons to love and appreciate this sport is:
1)It has unique and an amazing style
2)The rules and how it has evolved from the begining of its creation to present day
3)the true fans of the sport
4)how people come together as one and become serious of the sport
5)anybody can play it, even the disabled
6)the players & coaches
7)when the people fight and defend for the team although it is just a game
8)it is very unlike any other sport
9) The different leagues(NBA, NCAA,etc.)
10)EVERYTHING!!! It is so much fun!
11) the dedication people have for the sport
12) the integration of different people on one team
I love the game because I grew up in a state and region were basketball is king (Kentucky) and I love it and understand the sport, although there are other sports I can learn about I don’t care to because I have basketball!
those who don’t FULLY understand b-ball should learn because it is very interesting once you learn the history and its evolution and the rules. before I learned about and understood b-ball i didn’t give a shi* about it, but know I love it!
Answers and Views:
Answer by Mi Wang
Swimming it makes me appreciated because it makes me fit. Since I was a little girl I took swimming lessons so it is kind of my thing you know I grew with that sport.Answer by Blackie Bassett
sexersize.. its fun, its aerobic, builds muscle, burns fat, relieves stress and its good for you… who wants to go out and kill something right after they done the WILD THING!..Answer by jp
basketball, its an all body workout, all mind, all fun.Answer by downforme
what about the mental aspect of the game i mean its half physical half mental one can’t work with out the other (right) ?
ever see Tayshaun Prince play?Answer by igotsmartz
Basketball: it is interesting and intense it keeps you on the edge of your seat in the clutch moments. like when the shot clock is winding 4th quater and if they can just get the shot off oh man the feeling is so crazy. when miami was playing dallas i almost had a few heart attacks. no other sport comes close to that feeling for me.Answer by bballgrl
my favorite sport is basketball all the way! i respect this game cuz its like no other sport. all my idols r in the nba and wbna.im real good at it. i’ve played since i wuz 3 years old and my goal is to play in the ncaa and then go to the wnba! my life is all about bball! thats why i appreciate it!
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