apothegm1066: What is the best way to store a racing road bike?
I just bought my first road racer. After years of riding mountain bikes and just hanging them upside down (by the wheels) from the ceiling (with no apparent bad effect), I was wondering if there is any reason I shouldn’t do this with my racing bike. It has Mavic open pro rims, a steel frame, and the whole thing weighs about 18lbs.
Will I do any damage to the bike by storing it in the same manner as my mountain bikes?
Answers and Views:
Answer by joe s
I own a Trek 1200 road bike and have been storing it just like you do your mountain bike. No ill affects at all. Also store two very old 10 speeds same way for the last 20 years with no apparent problems..
Answer by Doug
As long as you keep the bike dry it will be fine. You might want to lube the chain and cables before you store it. It won’t hurt the bike to be hung up.. its how they are stored at bike shops. In fact is actually the preferred method because as your tire looses air (and it will) the rim won’t be sitting on the tire.
Answer by dahgutone
I also have a Trek 1200 (Yr. 2005). If you live in a area where it can be quite humid, I recommend you covering it with a tarp or a decent size plastic garbage bag or it will rust over time.
I also have classic Miyata road bike, which I do also hang from the rims. (upside down) No problems, works fine.
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