Mallie B: What is the best way to house train a puppy?
I have been trying to house train my puppy since i got her at 7 weeks old. I recently moved and i have a roommate and she has a puppy too. Before I moved my puppy didn’t use the bathroom in the house and now she is. I believe it is because she sees my roommates puppy use the bathroom in the house. When she uses the bathroom i put her nose in it and spank her with a newspaper or magazine and tell her no. What else could i do?
Answers and Views:
Answer by Mrs.F
Paper train is the best way
crate training worked best for us. it only took 2 weeksAnswer by [email protected]
that is very mean never spank a dog or put their nose in it they are very sensitive show her where to go and take her there and then Praise her when she does Ingore anything else she does Ignoring a dog stop;s the wrong behavior praise gets her to do it right They want Praise and attentionAnswer by beagle
Paper train her. Here is how.
Put Newspapers in a place where she can do her business where you approve (like in the corner of the bathroom) and when she starts walking in circles around her crate take her where you put the newspapers until she gets the hang of it and soon she’ll go there on her own.Answer by Sandra T
I suggest crate training. It worked the best for me. If you paper train, every time they see paper on the floor they will go to the bathroom. Dogs can’t differentiate between their paper and your paper. And also it trains them to think it is ok to go inside and not outside where they ultimatley have to go. Also take your puppy outside frequently. After playing, eating, sleeping, and drinking. Make sure that you are consistent. I took my puppy out about once every hour when he was that young. After she gets older they can go longer. But right now their bladders are small, so they need to go out often. And use treats when they go outside it reinforces the good behavior.Answer by juicesonlycoco
If the other puppy is going in the house than your puppy is only marking it territory in the house, it would rather smell it’s own stuff that some other dogs. Start taking it out more frequently and everytime it goes in the house do what you so and then put it outside for like 30 min. so it knows that it’s in trouble for going inside and it learns that you want it to go outside. I would also advise your roommate to train their puppy so your house doesn’t stink like urine and a dog pound.
Good Luck!!!Answer by apak
You are partially correct in your assessment of the situation. But it isn’t so much that your puppy “sees” the other puppy going pee pee in the house as it is the smell. You can move into a home where there has not been a dog in it for a long time, but the urine smell is still in the carpet, the pad & even the subflooring which can make even a housebroke dog pee pee in the house, to mark it’s territory.
You probably have your work cut out for you. First of all, first thing in the morning take your pup outside to potty & WAIT to see that it does & PRAISE her for it. After your puppy eats take her outside again, etc. just KEEP ON TOP OF IT!!! You know your pup & how she acts when the urge hits her, so keep an eye on her & move quickly to take her outside when she looks like she is going to go potty in the house. Rubbing her nose in the mess is not going to help & swatting her won’t really do any good either. Give her POSITIVE reenforcement!!!
Because your roommate is apparently a slob & doesn’t realize how disgusting it is to allow her dog to “GO” in the house may make your job a bit tougher, but just try to focus your efforts on “YOUR” puppy.
PATIENCE, PRAISE & EFFORT on your part should get the result you want. GOOD LUCK!!!
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