keℓsey<3: What is a website that will let me take a quiz on what kind of lizard to get?
We have a big tank. Not sure how big probably 35 gallons. When we move we are getting a lizard. I don’t know which we should get and wanna take a quiz.
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Answer by oksana_rossi
Do not know about the sites, but unless you planning on getting bigger cages I would not recommend iguanas. They grow fast and big, and very soon a tiny lizard becomes a 3 feet reptile (and continues to grow)! And a lot of people do not want them anymore. That is why there are so many neglected and abused iguanas. A year ago we rescued one ourselves. And she is so-o-o cute!
G’day Kelsey,
Thank you for your question.
I am afraid a Yahoo! or Google search came up empty handed. Some species require a lot of equipment and attention.
I would recommend a species that is easy to care for as a beginner. recommends “If you are new to lizards, start with one of the easier species to care for and/or handle. Leopard geckos are a popular starter and for good reason: they are small, easy to handle, and don’t require huge terrariums or special UVA/UVB lighting. Bearded dragons are included on this list because they are quite easy to handle, but you will need to invest a fair amount in setting up a large terrarium and providing lighting. ”
I have attached some sources for your reference.
Answer by KimbeeJNo quizzes, but my favorite website is Tons of excellent info on many species!
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