: What is a really sexy but cute way to give my boyfriend my panties?
I reallly wanna give my boyfriend a pair of my panties, he’s pretty enthused about it too. However, he doesn’t know WHEN I’m doing it. I’m trying to come up with a creative but cute and sexy way to do it. Any suggestions?
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Answer by Ian Petriga
Why give your boyfriend your panties? That seems a little immature. What does he plan on doing with them?
Put it on your head with a sticky note saying, “I cant breathe. Take it off.”Answer by quasishort
Make a video of yourself masturbating with them on, then after he watches the video, give clues about where they’re hidden, leading him to find them in his glove compartment.Answer by webber355X
when you both are just chilling alone watching a movie or something go to the bathroom & take them off. when u get back to him place it on his lap. make sure its a thong
he’s gonna love this 😉
Answer by Lotta CHave a panty hunt in your back yard!
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