KendraLynn: What happens when you get an exam for birth control?
I want to be on birth control to regulate my period but i’m nervous for the exam.
I’m 14..
Do they do the same thing for all ages?
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Answer by Reme Shankar
Generally, a gynecologist or nurse practitioner (depending on where you go) will have you put on a hospital gown. Then, you will be asked to lay on your back on a table.
A breast exam is usually performed. They will gently press on your breasts while looking to make sure that there are no lumps to be seen or felt.
Then, the pelvic exam comes. This is probably the most uncomfortable part of the procedure, but it’s nothing to be scared of. You will be asked to place your feet in stirrups, and the outside of your sex organs will be examined. Then, a speculum will be inserted into your vagina and opened to allow them to see inside of you. A sample of your cervical cells will be taken, and then the speculum will be removed. It may be uncomfortable, but shouldn’t be painful. If you experience pain, let them know.
After, they will likely insert a pair of fingers into your vagina and press down on your abdomen to feel your ovaries. They do this to check for abnormalities and tumors.
They may insert a finger into your anus to check for abnormalities, but I have not personally had this done.
Usually, whoever is performing the exam gives you a play-by-play as to what they’re doing. If you have any questions or concerns, be sure to ask them. Generally, the exam is over within minutes.
Answer by that girlWhen i got on birth control to regulate my period , i only talked to my doctor and they ask you questions about it and stuff . They didn’t examine me or anything . Just make sure to tell them why you want to be put on it . And if you do take it it will most likely lighten your period and maybe shorten it depending on the type you take. I take leostrin 24 Fe and you only have your period for four days .And it wont take in effect for about 3 months , so it will begin to regulate after 3 months.
hope this helps, good luck !
Answer by LilithYou don’t have to worry about a pap smear or pelvic exam! The recommended age for that is 18 unless you’re sexually active. They will ask you questions about your period, any pain or cramps you have. All that fun stuff. Not a big deal at all. I started taking birth control when I was 16 to regulate my periods, I didn’t get a pap smear until I was 18 or 19.
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