keep your head up: What guitar effects pedals do I use to make my electric violin sound like an electric guitar?
I’m wanting to find a effects pedal that will make my electric violin sound like an electric guitar, sounding like for example Ozzy, System of a down ect… Also I’m hoping to find this at a good price.
Answers and Views:
Answer by Thrasher
Wow. I’ve been trying to get my guitar to sound like a violin lol. Lets trade.
Answer by h-townguy
distortion. you might want to try then all out, because i don really know which one would fit a violin. i recommend BOSS ds-1, or an MXR distortion.
PS: for the guy above, there is a way to make your guitar sound like a violin, its called Ebow, the coolest thing on earth for violin sounds, and eternal sustain
Answer by Johnny V
I would say any good distortion pedal would do, like a MXR Distortion+ or Wylde Overdrive, a Boss Distortion DS-1 or a Metal Zone. Even though they are within under $ 100.00, try before you buy. And as always, check for people who used pedals in your area.
Jerry Goodman was a violinist who was in the 70’s Progressive Jazz Fusion band, “The Mahavishnu Orchestra” from 1971 to 1973. What he used to do was that he plugged his electric violin right in the Marshall Super Lead or Fender Dual Showman amps turned all the way up with a Vox Wah Wah in-between.
Goodman was on the following albums with the Mahavishnu Orchestra:
‘The Inner Mounting Flame’ (1971)
‘Birds of Fire’ (1973)
‘The Lost Trident Sessions’ (1973)
‘Between Nothingness and Eternity’ (1973)
Instead of going on to listen to the 30 second samples, go on YouTube instead for there are people who will post the music up instead.
Here’s a couple live performance clips.
Check it out.
Answer by Clarence
An electric guitar Thu an effects processor sounds like an electric guitar Thu an effects processor. A violin Thru a pedal sounds like a violin Thru a pedal.
Answer by dogstar4god
boss pedals are amazing.
try a multieffects pedal too
and if your anywhere near durham, NC, go to the Electric Violin Shop.
i’m sure they’ll let you try some pedals if they let me try any instrument in the sthop….
explore here:
look under equiptment…
or join and ask there too…
very kind people.
Wood violins is an electric violin/viola/cello company run by Mark Wood, the “concertmaster” of Trans-Siberian Orchestra.
they make some amazing instruments.
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