Non-Redneck: What gifts should I bring for the parents in a Vietnamese family that doesn’t drink?
I am going to Ho Chi Minh City to meet a Vietnamese girl that my friend introduced me to. I will meet her family and understand that it is a custom to give gifts when meeting them. The problem is the traditional gifts for the men (alcohol and tobacco) won’t work in this situation as the family doesn’t drink or smoke.
Any suggestions on gifts that I could give to the parents (both her mom and dad) and maybe her grandmother?
Answers and Views:
Answer by khong dau vi qua dau
l i x i
Answer by Kyng
You know what, It seems that everything a person brings home from the US, is always something new to them. They like it all. If you are a smoker/drinker then you probably expect them the same. But no, cigarettes and alcohol are not ways the 2 items men like. Be honest and ask the woman you are seeing what her parents like so you can buy the right stuff. If you want to surprise them then maybe something to consider such as cologne, ties, or even foods. Seriously, they love foods, especially meat, ham stuff. They taste much better than anything available in VN.
Last but not least is “money” lol. Nobody says no to it. But I would stay away because it makes them feel being bought!
Answer by Homer J Marley
I wouldn’t stress too much about it OR spend too much money.
Buy something local from your hometown. Even though they aren’t drinkers you can still take them a bottle of wine or some chocolates. Or try looking in a bookstore for a local or American coffee table book…
Answer by rick m
GOOD CHOCOLATE, it’s the equivalent of a bottle of booze and a carton of smokes! lol
BTW, I know a lot of Viets. I know men who don’t drink alcohol, I know men who don’t smoke cigarettes. I even know men who do neither,,,Those guys usually wear yellow robes and burn incense, lol, They don’t usually have children!
I do have a friend who does neither but he’s nguoi Uc, khong Viet.
Answer by TRANT
1. For the Dad: Some tins of good Chinese tea such as Oolong. You can order these on (small box : $ 18. Large Box: $ 43).
2. For the Mom: A bottle of Chanel No. 5 Perfume (about $ 100). If that’s too much for you, find cheaper brands. Local department stores.
3. For the Grandmother: Jewelry Case. From LL Bean. For about $ 22.
Answer by H
New $ 100 dollar bill.
Answer by lam8824kds
well, if you live in the states, then buys medicines..of any kinds dealing with , pains killer, health issues that promotes for good healthy living for older adults. vitamins, joints problems…good luck and have a great time in SG
Answer by jim_dai2000
I was born and lived in Vietnam for 12 years, and have traveled back twice in the past 3 years. From my experience and talking to neighbor, anything made in Europe or US is a great gift. Make sure the item is not made in CHINA as they are considered poor quality and cheap. A big box of good chocolate, electronics, fancy cookies, cookwares ( avoid knives because some Vietnamese considered the act as cutting all ties), watches (Guess, CK, Levis, Tommy… people know those brands), cosmetics (make sure they are made in Europe or US). Money can be given if you know the girl well and consider her family cuz its very awkward to give money as well as the other side will feel awkward receiving. To sums up, food items that are nicely packaged, electronics, jewelry (does not have to be extravagant) or everyday house items you might find in target or macy’s. Hopes that helps.
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