ag12345: What excersises should i do to help my hockey performances?
Im 13 years old, 125 lbs. 5’6 and i want to know some excersises to improve my hockey performance like hitting and slapshots. i currently have a bench with leg excersises, a barbell, lat bar, and weights. and i am just using those.
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Answer by ~D.P.~
You may be a little young for a lot of weight lifting. I say do lots of push-ups, pull-ups, sit-ups etc. These are good and will help you gain muscle mass and you won’t risk hurting yourself weight lifting. However, if you know how to weight lift properly you could do some basic weight lifting. Don’t go overboard and only do what you could handle. Leg exercises are very good, such as squats. Also get the cardio in such as sprints, stationary biking, jump rope, even step ups. Good luck.
Answer by E. Bee
You can build up your muscle a little bit, but really it all comes down to skill.
I’ve been playing for 8 years, i’m definitely not very muscly, but i have an extremely strong hit and slapshot.
All you need to do is practise the hits, do a tiny bit of muscle build up and let experience do the rest.
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