fanofchan: What does it mean when you have recurring dreams about your Mother?
My Mother passed away eleven years ago after a brief illness. However, I don’t think these dreams are really connected to her personally – because she doesn’t speak at all – she is just there.
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Answer by YourDreamDoc
You are the owner of the dream. The image you projected about her in the dream may be some message to you from you. In other words, there may be something you missed telling your mother or you did that you feel that there is some reaction your mother would do. That is why your had her dreamed out.
Answer by Amethyst M
She is there to reassure you she is still around you. Lately she has been around you to try and help you with an emotional issue.
I think you have this dream because……………….you miss your mom dude(or dudett)Answer by lala
You are a very spiritual person and your mother is there to support you ; plus she is helping you to achieve something you want to realizeAnswer by jcy
asian believe in spirit… they do exist.. one reason to connect with us is thru dream.. they might be telling you something.. but to know the interpretation you must be very details as the particular or sorrounding the event.
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