Wondering: What do people do with lingerie when they live with their parents?
I have a boyfriend, and I have lots of sexy lingerie. But I live with my parents, so it’s not like I can just walk around in it with them there. He lives with his parents too so wearing it at his place isn’t an option. What do people do with lingerie when they live with their parents? Do they just take it with them on vacation? (Half joking/ half serious)
Answers and Views:
Answer by His Little Wife
If you’re old enough to be wearing sexy lingerie for your boyfriend, you’re probably old enough to move out, become a full adult, and get your own place. You’re not going to have much use for it under your parent’s roof.
Answer by WTF
Just wear it when the parents aren’t home.
Answer by broker472000
If you are looking for privacy with him…rent a Motel Room…I would suggest being married first….
Answer by Kikis
get a big stuff animal, take out the cotton, and hide them in there 😉
Answer by 1 step closer 2 the edge
I used to hide stuff like that in my car. All my “secret” stuff stayed in the trunk lol, but I know alot of people share vehicles with their parents, this wasn’t my case at all, my parents were NEVER in the vehicle lol. I do think you should wait for marriage though, I really wish I had’ve, my hubby had already saw me in so much lingerie by the time we were married that he’s just used to it now, I think I could walk around naked all the time and he wouldn’t pay any attention lol
we dated for a LONG time though so plz no thumbs down
Answer by ARI
I say get your own place its much more fun. If not take it on vacation with you
Answer by Rusty&Nicole
keep it in ur room were you keep the rest of your clothes? and make sure you have a lock on your room so when he come over you can wear it and ur mom or dad doesnt walk in… How old are you?
Answer by ♥drama♥ ♥drama♥ ♥drama♥
honestly u just stay in ur room. if u want to leave ur room u need to put on a robe or decente outfit. that sucks.lol
Answer by TheAfrican
ur old enough to were a lingerie without your parents (mostly mom) worrying about it.
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