cassie: What could I be for halloween?
i need a last minute halloween costume and it had to be made out of things around the house becasue I dont have n.e. money lol. I’m fourteen.
I’m fourteen need a costume that would be made out of things i have at home I’m female average size with long brown hair
wanna be summen kinda sexi
Answers and Views:
Answer by Daniel
grab a bandana go as a gangster, sag your pants, put on dark shades.
Answer by Juliza
u could wear a black outfit & black nails=GOTH
Answer by Xx Trick or Treat xX
Go as a hippie!!!
I’m sure there’s some Mari Gras beads somewhere!
Some flary pants (if your a guy, just wear some stretchy pants)
Some shades
A tie-dye T-shirt
Put you hand in the “Peace” sign
And say “Peace dudes, like, totally, wow, like, Trick or Treat…yea”
“Far Out!!”
Answer by G
get some makeup and paint your eye purple like you got hit and tell everyone that your mother beat you when you asked to go to walmart to get a costume — sure to earn lots of pity candy.
Answer by Loren M
You are sexy!! lol
gurl come on! ok lets see……maybe you should get a skirt….and a tanktop…and then get like some highheeled boots and then you could be a hooker!! lol JP JP!! lol
but i dont know im not dressin out fur halloween…ill probly put sum makeup on and then id prolly wear some tight clothes but thas YOU…lol
you should proly be tha same thing….what ya think
Answer by climber_off_her_rock
Rockstar: Take a mic from a kareoke machine and tuck the wire into the pocket of fashion jeans. Depending on what type of music star select the appropriate shirt. Wear big sunglasses, muss up your hair and get a cute hat, add a little extra eyeliner under the eye too.
A Tourist: Wear pieces that completely don’t go together and be sure to have a huge fanny pack slung low over your rear. Get various map and brochures.
Sea World Trainer: Wear a wet suit/bathing suit and print out a Sea World sticker. Stick it onto your chest and add a whistle. You can also use a mic or even a pail of paper fish.
Zombie: Use a foundation that is too light for your skin and use copious amounts of eyeliner and dark shadows around your eyes. Muss your clothes, have a shirt half tucked in and half not. Get your hair stringy by only using shampoo, mousing it and combing it up and down.
Beatnik: Wear all black, sunglasses and a black hat like a beret. Carry a journal you can write poems in. Snap constanlty.
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