Girl: What brand of washable hair dye will work on brown hair?
I have light brown – chesnut hair.
I want to get a purple washable hair dye that washes out with water. I heard that washable hair dyes only show up on bleach blonde hair.
Are there any brands that work on light brown hair?
Answers and Views:
Answer by Tessie M
go to a beauty store/supermarket/salon/pharmacy and they will have a row of hair dies
the front of the packet will say wether its a wash out then the side should have a strip that will show you what your hair color will look like
so , i have a brown one and my hair is a lighter brown and it has a picture of the berfore and after
look at that
and read that packet 🙂
then youll know
so , wash out and look at the side
it will also tell you what color hair will not work
just read it 🙂
good luck
Answer by much_like_falling13
Kaleidocolors =]
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