agido: What available Internet providers in the Philippines that serves wireless connection?
Could it be possible to a household in rural villages in the Philippines to have access to the internet? Villages unreached by landlines? Because Dream Cable made it possible for access to televisions, what about the internet? How much does it cost?
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Answer by AllanHP
Smart and globe telecommunications are quite popular wifi providers here. Smart costs 999 php monthly subscription and I think it is the same with globe. With regards to availablity, yes it is very convenient for people that cant be reached by landlines however unlike sattelite tv like dream, wifi’s still has to be in range of the network signals much like cellphones.
GlobeQUEST WiZ is the largest provider of wifi in the Philippines. They run, operate, and own numerous wifi hotspots.
Yes, you can have internet in rual areas. You can get it via satalite. Dream Vast offers that. The price per month is 15,000 php.
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